Welcome to another special-edition quiz from We Love Quizzes! Take these 41 Guess the Year Quiz Questions and Answers to see how much you remember about the dates each of these took place.
Guess the Year Quiz Questions and Answers

1 In which year was Julius Caesar assassinated by Roman senators?
A 44 BCE
B 54 BCE
C 64 BCE
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2 In which year were tobacco commercials banned from network television in the United States?
A 1960
B 1965
C 1970
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April 1, 1970.
3 How many years ago were horses domesticated?
A 500 years ago
B 6,000 years ago
C 200,000 years ago
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Horses were first domesticated 6,000 years ago in Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan.
4 When was tea rumored to have been invented?
A 6914 BCE
B 2737 BCE
C 1288 CE
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According to Chinese legend, tea was accidentally invented in 2737 BCE by Emperor Shen Nong.
5 The first official international cricket match was held in…
A 1109
B 1677
C 1844
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The first official cricket match was held in 1844 between the USA and Canada.
6 People began drinking coffee…
A In the 9th century
B during World War I
C when humans first roamed the Earth
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People began drinking coffee in the 9th century.
7 When was the Walt Disney Company founded?
A October 16, 1923
B March 5, 1899
C February 7, 1964
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The Walt Disney Company was founded on October 16, 1923.
8 The Old Testament was written between…
A 1200 BCE and 165 BCE
B 50 BCE and 240 CE
C 110 CE and 700 CE
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The Old Testament, the original Hebrew Bible, was written at different times between 1200 and 165 BCE.
9 The first animated hand-drawn film was released in what year?
A 1896
B 1908
C 1970
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The first animated hand-drawn film, known as “Fantasmagorie,” was released in 1908.
10 When did the first Academy Awards ceremony take place?
A May 9, 1979
B December 2, 1955
C May 16, 1929
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The first Oscars, also known as the Academy Awards, ceremony took place in May 16, 1929, at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California.
11 When was The Beatles’ debut studio album released in the United Kingdom?
A March 22, 1963
B July 10, 1964
C August 6, 1965
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The Beatles’ debut studio album, Please Please Me, was released on March 22, 1963.
12 In what year were five Beatles songs in the top five positions of US record charts simultaneously?
A October 5, 1962
B April 4, 1964
C April 27, 1964
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On April 4, 1964, five Beatles songs — “Can’t Buy Me Love,” “Twist and Shout,” “She Loves You,” “I Want to Hold Your Hand,” and “Please Please Me” stole the top five spots on Billboard Hot 100.
13 When was Paul McCartney born?
A June 18, 1942
B August 4, 1941
C November 6, 1943
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James Paul McCartney, commonly known as Paul McCartney, was born on the 18th of June, 1942.
14 When in the US was Christmas declared a federal holiday?
A 1742
B 1870
C 1936
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Christmas was declared a federal holiday in the US in 1870.
15 When was the earliest mention of baseball in the USA?
A 1109
B 1665
C 1791
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The earliest mention of baseball in the US was an ordinance in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1791.
16 “A Game of Thrones,” the first novel in George R. R. Martin’s series, was released in…
A 1982
B 1996
C 2001
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”A Game of Thrones” was released on August 1, 1996.
17 The Saffir-Simpson scale was developed in…
A 1835
B 1886
C 1971
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The Saffir-Simpson scale was co-developed in 1971 by civil engineer Herbert Saffir and meteorologist Robert Simpson. The scale categorizes hurricanes into five different categories.
18 When did yoga originate?
A 5000 BCE
B 3000 BCE
C 100 CE
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Yoga originated in around 3000 BCE.
19 When is Harry Potter’s birthday?
A January 4, 2000
B August 22, 1996
C July 31, 1980
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Harry Potter, the title character of J.K. Rowling’s novel series, was born on July 31, 1980.
20 When was Hogwarts founded?
A 990
B 1165
C 1541
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The Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded in around 990 CE by Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.
21 When did America declare its independence from Great Britain?
A July 4, 1776
B August 2, 1812
C February 19, 1825
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The United States of America declared their independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.
22 When did the first known complex civilization develop?
A 7th millennium BCE
B 5th millennium BCE
C 4th millennium BCE
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The first complex civilization, ancient Mesopotamia, developed in around the 4th millennium BCE.
23 When did the USSR dissolve?
A 1977
B 1991
C 2001
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The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also known as the Soviet Union or USSR, was dissolved on December 26, 1991.
24 When did the United Nations come into existence?
A 1945
B 1948
C 1963
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The United Nations, an intergovernmental organization, came into existence on October 24, 1945.
25 When was volleyball created?
A 2004
B 1912
C 1895
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Volleyball was created in 1895 in Holyoke, Massachusetts.
26 In between what two years did World War I occur?
A 1990 – 1991
B 1939 – 1945
C 1914 – 1918
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World War I lasted from July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918.
27 How old is the oldest oceanic crust?
A 200 million years old
B 4.5 billion years old
C 15 billion years old
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Oceanic crustal rocks make up the sea floor. The oldest oceanic crust is only 200 million years old, even though the Earth has been around for much longer.
28 When was the first James Bond film released?
A 1962
B 1959
C 1957
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The first James Bond film was released on October 5, 1962.
29 When did Ian Fleming die?
A 2002
B 1983
C 1964
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Ian Fleming, the creator of the fictional character James Bond, died from a heart attack on August 12, 1964.
30 When did the Black Death start in London?
A 987
B 1348
C 1599
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The Black Death, which killed almost 30,000 people in London, began in 1348.
31 When did the Backstreet Boys first receive a Platinum Record?
A 1990
B 1994
C 1996
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The Backstreet Boys, an American vocal group, received their first Platinum Record in 1996.
32 When was The Hobbit released?
A 1937
B 1954
C 1968
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The Hobbit is a fantasy novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien. The story was released in 1937.
33 When was golf invented?
A 1396
B 1457
C 1602
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Golf was invented in Scotland in 1457.
34 When was basketball made?
A 1669
B 1724
C 1891
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Basketball was made in 1891 by a YMCA professor.
35 When did Lewis Hamilton win his first World Championship title?
A 2009
B 2008
C 2002
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Lewis Hamilton, a professional racer participating in Formula One, won his first World Championship title in 2008.
36 When did Paul McCartney’s band, Wings, dissolve?
A 1970
B 1981
C 1994
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Wings, the band that Paul McCartney formed with his wife Linda after the break-up of The Beatles, dissolved in 1981.
37 When did Superman, a fictional superhero, first appear?
A 1938
B 1954
C 1968
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Superman first appeared in Action Comics on April 18, 1938.
38 Which year is known as the Year of Africa when 17 African countries gained independence?
A. 1945
B. 1960
C. 1975
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Answer: B. 1960
39 In which year did Bill Gates and Paul Allen found Microsoft?
A. 1975
B. 1980
C. 1985
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Answer: A. 1975
40 In which year was same-sex marriage legalised in the United Kingdom?
A. 2001
B. 2009
C. 2014
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Answer: C. 2014
41 When was the Euro officially launched?
A. 1999
B. 2001
C. 2003
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Answer: A. 1999
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